BJFe Flame Top
hand wired by Bjorn Juhl (BJFe) Sweden
BJFe Flame Top
BJFe Flame Top OD (FLT) - The BJFe Flame Top is yet another modern classic from the lair of the modern master of guitar effects - Björn Juhl. For years the search for the ultimate transparent and amp like overdrive pedal has been haunting the guitar community. We feel that the Flame Top Overdrive from BJFe might be one of the better candidates in that arena that we've heard in a long time. Not taking any obvious inspiration from famous "transparent" overdrive circuits like TS or Bluesbreaker styled circuits the Flame Top delivers clear, dynamic and rich overdrive tone that melds perfectly with your clean tone. Need some extra shimmering high end or maybe tame some of the presence? The musical tone control got you covered no matter in which direction you need to go. The BJFe Flame Top is the obvious extension of your existing tone - adding that mild drive and dynamics that'll help take your tone to the next level.
Features: 9 volt or battery operation. Drive control for the amount of distortion. Volume control to either push or keep your signal at unity. Treble control to perfectly match the overdrive to fit your rig. True bypass switching to keep your sound pure at all times.
The sweet, rich, and highly responsive tone was reminiscent of the Honey Bee OD, but the tone itself has been changed to a brighter, clearer tone, making it easier to handle in a variety of situations. Tight and easy to handle, it works well with a variety of guitars and amps.
Although the gain as an overdrive is not so high, the combination of the instantaneous power and response of the sound and the texture of the thick tone allows you to easily create a distortion-like tone, from blues and rock lead, backing, funk cutting, and jazz, with just the operation of your hand. It is characterized by flexibility that can correspond to any genre, such as guitar. It's exactly "a distorted tone that looks like a clean sound".
Vol: Adjust the volume.
Drive: Adjusts the intensity of distortion.
Treble: Adjusts the tone balance, centering on the high frequencies.
・Power supply: Flametop is driven by standard center negative DC9V adapter or 9V battery.
・Current consumption: 5mA
・Input impedance: 260K
・Output impedance: 25K
・True bypass