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Moody Sounds BJF VibraVibe kit (UniVibe)

designed by Bjorn Juhl (BJFe) w/quality components

Moody Sounds BJF VibraVibe kit

$159.00 Regular Price
$135.00Sale Price
  • Moody Sounds BJF VibraVibe kit

    Some pedals can create that magic in a show, and if you hear a recording of an exciting sound from an old school phaser Rainbow 1976, you can easily start to wonder if it should not be something to try to capture in a kit. After some time of work, we have created the BJF Vibravibe kit.

    Center of the PCB for BJF Vibravibe kit is a  blinking light bulb and around it four photocells stand “watching”. The cells sense the light variations and they are each connected to a phase shifter stage. Thus, when the lamp blinks, the phase changes in time with the lamp. Each step is based on a New Old Stock FET transistor, which we have measured and matched against other transistors in the kit. And each step has a capacitor with a selected value, which puts its touch on the sound. These capacitors can be replaced for fine tuning and this is something we encourage if you want to tweak the sound. The ones that the manual first suggests are the ones that we think sound best. Some extra components are included in the kit for those who want to experiment.

    The two knobs of the pedal are connected to how the lamp blinks. The speed knob adjusts how fast it flashes and thus the speed of the effect. The Depth knob adjusts the amplitude of the flashes and thus the depth of the effect. You can change the range of the Depth knob with one of the pedal trimmer resistors. If you want to move the range of the Speed ​​knob, you can replace a resistor or a capacitor, but with the first suggested values ​​you can reach both fast and fairly slow sweeps with the pedal’s C150k pot.

    BJF Vibravibe also has a trimmer that sets the volume of the effect.

    The pedal has two foot switches  where one sets true bypass or effects mode and the other switches between “vibrato / chorus”.

    As mentioned before, the filter can be tweaked and adjusted and for those who want to test themselves, we recommend that you put sockets on some places on the board. By changing capacitors, you change the properties of the effects and you can put your own touch on the sound. Sockets and some extra components are included in the kit.

    A fun build but a little harder than other BJF kits. It has more components and they sit quite close to the board.

    DIY kits contain complete instructions and all components needed to build the effect including pre-drilled enclosure. 

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