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vintage 1981 MXR MX-133 Micro Amp 

classic vintage booster

very good condition and fully functional 

9v battery or Truetone C35 adapter included

vintage 1981 MXR MX-133 Micro Amp

  • vintage 1981 MXR MX-133 Micro Amp 

    classic vintage booster

    very good condition and fully functional 

    9v battery or Truetone C35 adapter included

    The MXR Micro Amp is a straight booster. On single channel amps, placing the pedal in front of the amp it just increases the signal gain going into the amp thus driving the preamp harder and into more saturation. It works without colouring the tone, so no added treble or EQ changes. It delivers more volume but mostly gain if pushing the front end of the amp. When engaged in a series effects loop it can bump the volume way up for a solo boost.

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